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Nutritional and Ingredient Info for all Jones Products
For more than 135 years, Jones Dairy Farm has been producing all natural sausage, along with a host of other customer favorite breakfast meats, including bacon, Canadian bacon, ham, braunschweiger, scrapple and now meatballs, using real natural Ingredients and simple recipes. Although all nutritional and ingredient information is available throughout our website, we’ve created this handy “cheat sheet” so you quickly and easily find and compare basic Jones product information In one handy chart. Click “Download” below to view the chart.
For more information or if you have any questions, call our consumer hotline at 1-800-635-6637 to speak to a live customer service representative.
Related Blogs

3 High Protein Breakfasts with 20+ Grams of Protein
Starting the day with a well-balanced, protein-rich breakfast has many important health benefits such as curbing appetite, sustaining energy and helping to maintain hormone and blood sugar levels. Luckily for fans of Jones Dairy Farm, we produce an array of great tasting, high quality meat products that help meet your daily protein needs. From All […]

Antibiotics in Meat: What You Need to Know
Clearing Up a Common Misconception All meat, poultry, and dairy foods sold in the United States are free of antibiotic residues, as required by federal law. This means that even if antibiotics were used when the animal was alive, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandates that all meat, including pork, chicken, or turkey, […]

What Does ‘Uncured’ Mean?
The real difference between cured and uncured bacon, ham and Canadian bacon Jones Dairy Farm boasts a diverse selection of breakfast meats that are naturally smoked including bacon, ham and Canadian bacon. While most of these offerings are traditionally cured, Jones also offers a selection of uncured breakfast meats too. While it has become commonplace […]